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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Unlock Your iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS 4.2.1 with ultrasn0w

Important notes about iOS 4.2.1 unlock on iPhone 3GS and iPhone 3G
  • Unlocking your iPhone voids your warranty from Apple
  • For basebands 05.14 and 05.15 this iOS 4.2.1 unlock requires you to update to baseband 06.15 from iPad 3.2.2 firmware onto your iPhone, this can not be reversed
  • You can not downgrade from baseband 06.15 (the iPad baseband), and you will no longer be able to restore to stock firmware. This means you will forever need to use your custom saved IPSW files!
  • And finally, directly from the iPhone Dev Team: “iPhone3GS users with old bootroms who want to go to iOS 4.2.1 should not use PwnageTool! Update to stock iOS 4.2.1 first (through iTunes) then use redsn0w 0.9.6b4 to update your baseband.”
It is important that you understand and accept these risks before proceeding.

1. Download PwnageTool 4.1.3 unlock edition from here or one of these mirror sites:
*PwnageTool runs on Mac OSx. There is no PwnageTool for Windows, instead Windows users will want to download redsn0w 0.9.6b4 instead. Follow my guide to jailbreaking your

2. Download iOS 4.2.1 for your iPhone 3G
     or iOS 4.2.1 for your iPhone 3Gs

3. Download the iPad's iOS 3.2.2 IPSW firmware from here.
 *To make things easier, place these downloaded files to your desktop or a folder on your desktop so you can easily access these files when needed. 

4. Launch the newly downloaded PwnageTool 4.1.3 and select iPhone 3GS / 3G and point it to the original iOS 4.2.1 firmware you downloaded in step 2.

5. You'll now be asked if you want to update your baseband to the 06.15 version. If you are on 05.14 or 05.15 or higher you will need to do this to unlock. You do not need to do this for jailbreak only. Click on YES and then select Browse for IPSW and point it to iOS 3.2.2 you downloaded.

6. You'll have to choose some options as installing Cydia packages, custom logos and packages. Finally, hit the blue the build button.

7. You'll be asked to save the cooked firmware. Please allow up to 10 minutes.

8. When prompted if your iPhone has been Pwned before, we clicked No. It allows for a more thorough restore. Once done, follow the instructions seen on the screen to enter into DFU mode

9. Now, You will have to restore your iPhone to the jailbroken custom firmware by Clicking on the iPhone icon on the left sidebar of iTunes then hold left “alt” button (“Shift” button on Windows) on the keyboard and then click on “Restore” then release the alt button, Now Select the custom firmware created by PwnageTool and Let iTunes go in a bunch of steps.

10. You can now unlock your iPhone 3GS / 3G through Cydia. Open Cydia app on your device and allow it time to prompt you to update itself. I always choose the 'Complete Update'.

11. Tap on 'Search' and type in "ultrasn0w"

12. Tap on 'ultrasn0w' and then install it by tapping on 'install' at top right corner - then confirm

13. Once ultrasn0w has been installed, tap on "Reboot" or "Respring"






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